
Showing posts from June, 2023


What is Meningitis? Meningitis is an inflammation of the covering of the brain or meninges. INCIDENCE  It occurs most often in males than females, peak incidence is at 6-12 months of age and highest rate of morbidity is from birth to 4 years of age. CAUSES Causative organisms include bacteria, virus and fungi but the bacteria infection is the most common. PREDISPOSING FACTORS Fracture of the skull Break in spinal cord surgery Upper respiratory tract infection Infection of the middle ear TYPES Bacteria/ Pyogenic meningitis Viral meningitis Fungal meningitis  BACTERIA / PYOGENIC MENINGITIS Is a medical emergency and treatment must be instituted immediately or death can occur. It is inflammation of the pea, arachnoid and interventing cerebrospinal fluid. The infections spread throughout the subarachnoid space around the brain and spinal cord usually involving the ventricles. It may also occur by spread from nearby foci such as the nasopharynx, middle ear and sinuses. The commones...

5 early symptoms of prostate cancer

About 1 in 8 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in their lifetime, making it the most common cancer among men,after skin cancer. The American Cancer Society estimates there will be about 288,300 new cases of prostate cancer in 2023. Prostate cancer progresses slowly over many years. Most men don't notice the signs until it has grown large enough to detect. However, recognizing the early symptoms of prostate cancer increases the odds of successful treatment. What is prostate cancer? All cancers are named for the part of the body where they originate. Prostate cancer starts in the prostate, a gland found only in men that's critical for reproduction. Prostate cancer begins when cells in this gland grow abnormally. The cancer uses male sex hormones called androgens as fuel for growth. Hormone therapy can block androgen action and treat prostate cancer. Cancerous cells grow slowly and can take years to become large enough to detect. They may take even longer to spread to oth...

Take Advantage of These Powerful Techniques to Boost Your Immune System

Everyone has felt the terrifying sensation of a cold beginning, and we all frantically search for anything that will boost our immune systems and help us stave it off. There are numerous purported "cures," yet some work better than others. Today, we'll examine several tried-and-true techniques that can boost your immunity and help you avoid getting sick. Learn how to change your food, take supplements, and live a healthier lifestyle that includes exercise and sleep to give your immune system a fighting chance. Eat a Healthful Diet Eating a balanced diet is one of the simplest ways to maintain health and strength, which is important for maintaining a strong immune system. Along with plenty of fruits and vegetables, lean protein helps keep your body healthy and fights infection. Processed meals, sugary beverages, and excessive alcohol usage can all contribute to a weakened immune system. Instead, concentrate on eating whole meals to provide your body the nutrition it needs ...


DEFINITION Renal failure is the inability of the kidney to remove the body’s metabolic waste or perform the regulatory functions. The substances normally eliminated in the urine accumulate in the body fluid as a result of impaired renal excretion and leads to a disruption in endocrine and metabolic function as well as fluids, electrolyte and acid-base disturbance.Acute Renal failure is therefore a sudden and almost complete loss of the kidney’s ability to perform its regulatory function or inability to excrete metabolic waste product from the system.  INCIDENCE Acute Renal failure occurs to all age groups. It affects people who use nephro-toxic substances like penicillin, methyl alcohol and pesticides.  CAUSES \ AETIOLOGY Causes are divided into 3 major categories: Pre – Renal Intra – Renal  Post renal Pre – Renal Causes  It is the result of impaired blood flow that leads to hypo perfusion of the kidney and a decrease in the Glomerular Filtration Rate: Hypotension ...


BRONCHOPNEUMONIA Pneumonia is an English word derived from the Greek word “Pneumon” which means lungs. According to the Bailliérés Nurses Dictionary, pneumonia is the inflammation of the lungs with consolidation and exudation. It is therefore defined as an inflammation of the lungs parenchyma characterized by consolidation of the affected lung which impairs gaseous exchange. Pneumonitis is generally used to mean an infection and inflammation of the lung tissue. However, pneumonia is commonly used in terms of inflammation of the lung. INCIDENCE   It is estimated that pneumonia is the most common cause of death in the United State of America (Brunner and Suddarth 13th edition). It occurs in all age groups but commonly the elderly and children. Incidence is very high during the harmattan season.  MODE OF TRANSMISSION  Pneumonia may be transmitted through coughing, sneezing of infected patients. It sometimes arises from aspiration of endogenous fluid by patient whose resistan...


What is Hypertension? Hypertension can be defined as persistent increase of blood pressure in which the systolic pressure is above 140 mmHg and the diastolic pressure is above 90 mmHg.In the elderly population hypertension is defined as systolic pressure above 160 mmHg and diastolic pressure 90 mmHg. It is often called the silent killers because it is usually asymptomatic. Two factors determine blood pressure: Change in cardiac output Change in Peripheral resistance or both. (A handbook of managing hypertension, Ministry of Health, Ghana 2000) and (Brunner and Sardath, 10th edition, 1994). INCIDENCE About 20% of adults develop hypertension than 90% of those who have essential (primary) hypertension which has no identifiable medical cause. The remainders develop elevation in blood pressure with specific cause. Secondary hypertension, such as endovascular narrowing or parenchyma renal disease, certain drugs, organ dysfunctions, tumors and pregnancies. It affects more women than men. In ...


WHAT IS ANEMIA? Anaemia refers to a low red blood cell count and hematocrit level or haemoglobin level of less than 11.5gdl in women and 13.5gdl in men. This implies a reduction in the oxygen carrying capacity of the blood. This occurs as a result of fewer circulating erythrocytes than is normal or a decrease in the concentration of haemoglobin in circulating erythrocytes.  Physiologically, anaemia implies insufficient amounts of haemoglobin to deliver oxygen to the tissues. INCIDENCE The incidence of anaemia is extremely high. This is particularly evidenced in the under developed countries where nutrition is poor and the tropical regions where hookworm and malaria are endemic. Women of reproductive age especially, pregnant women and children are the most vulnerable. Anaemia is also prevalent in older people and it is the most common haematological condition that affects the elderly people. AETIOLOGY  The causes of anaemia in both children and adults can be put in the follo...


What is Cereberal Malaria? Cerebral malaria is one of the complications of malaria which is a severe systemic infection characterized by recurrent fevers, accompanied by rigors, enlargement of the spleen and anaemia. The disease is mostly in the tropics and sub-topics and caused by the four (4) protozoan parasite of the plasmodium family; namely: Plasmodium falciparum, Plasmodium malarae, Plasmodium vivax, Plasmodium ovale. AETIOLOGY It is caused by a protozoan of the genus plasmodium. The plasmodium is carried by the female anopheles mosquitoes.  MODE OF TRANSMISSION  Malaria is transmitted through the bite of the infected female anopheles mosquito an (intermediate host).Malaria has also been transmitted via blood transfusions and from the use of shared contaminated needles and syringe by drug abusers.  INCIDENCE  The disease occurs in all age groups irrespective of the blood group. It is most severe in children and pregnant women. It is most prevalent in the tropic...