What is Meningitis? Meningitis is an inflammation of the covering of the brain or meninges. INCIDENCE It occurs most often in males than females, peak incidence is at 6-12 months of age and highest rate of morbidity is from birth to 4 years of age. CAUSES Causative organisms include bacteria, virus and fungi but the bacteria infection is the most common. PREDISPOSING FACTORS Fracture of the skull Break in spinal cord surgery Upper respiratory tract infection Infection of the middle ear TYPES Bacteria/ Pyogenic meningitis Viral meningitis Fungal meningitis BACTERIA / PYOGENIC MENINGITIS Is a medical emergency and treatment must be instituted immediately or death can occur. It is inflammation of the pea, arachnoid and interventing cerebrospinal fluid. The infections spread throughout the subarachnoid space around the brain and spinal cord usually involving the ventricles. It may also occur by spread from nearby foci such as the nasopharynx, middle ear and sinuses. The commones...